Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Sweet Sierra is growing up.

When I uploaded the pictures the other day I noticed that Sierra must have gotten a hold of my camera . . .she had taken a few self portraits LOL We have noticed how quickly she is growing up. She made us all dinner this week . . .tuna, pineapple and a drink. She also makes the best eggs!Some very good friends of ours took Sierra school clothes shopping a few weeks ago . . . she came downstairs on the 2nd day of school . . .looking soooooooooooo cute. Wow . . .where did my baby go??????


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

She IS growing up! How old is she now? She's a doll. How is Sierra doing with Alexia gone? Transition is so tough. I've been praying for your family.

Emily said...

She will be 9 this coming December! Time is just flying by! Sierra is doing ok . .I think she jumped into this "motherly" role once Alexia left. She really enjoys being in the kitchen and helping me around the house. She has also taken ownership of Alexia's toy poodle Molly. Alexia left her with us because it would have been too much to take her to KC. Sierra is doing a great job taking care of Molly! Thanks for your prayers . . I can really fee them!

Amy said...

She looks so cute!

Cynthia said...

She is growing up so fast. "tis the season for school clothes shopping again!