Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Update On My "Other" Blessings!

It's been a while since I gave an update on my "other" blessings so since we were with them the other night I snapped a few pictures of the crew.

Kaitlyn who is my God-daughter just started Kindergarten. She is almost 6 years old.

Christian recently turned 4 and is in his second year of preschool. Christian has a a wonderful god-father and god-mother but Carlos and I claim him too :-)Amazing Ava will be 2 in November and she just started her first year of preschool this week. Carlos is Ava's God-father.I can't believe Kaitlyn is going to be six years old. I remember the day Lisa gave birth to her . . . it feels like yesterday. She takes dance and gymnastics. The night I took these pictures Christian came out of his shell :-) LOL
He reminds me so much of Landon!
He is one cool dude!
Gotta love this kid!
Even tough Ava isn't even 2 yet she is extremely smart and independant. She reminds me soooooooooooo much of Sierra.
I am so glad we live only 1 minute from each other. We use to live 30 minutes away from each other so we would only see each other about once a week at church. Now we see each other many times each week.

Lisa is 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow with baby number four. I can't wait to find out what this next blessing is going to be. I am excited there is another one coming . . .another baby and blessing to spoil!

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