Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome Back Welcome Back Welcome Back!

Yes, it's that time of year again . . the start of school! Taylor is now a freshman in high school.With Jordan and Alexia now living and going to school in Kansas City . .Taylor is the oldest child at home. Landon is now in the 7th grade.
He has grown so much over this past year.
Sierra is in the third grade.It's hard to believe she is halfway through grade school.I drove Sierra to school and went with her to the classroom. Due to being in DC last week we missed "Meet The Teacher." So, we were meeting her for the first time on the first day of school. She and Sierra seemed to hit it off and I made myself available to her and the classroom if she needed any help. I was kind of bummed that another mother had asked to be the Room Mother already. This will be the first year since Sierra has been in school that I won't be the room mother . . .I will try to stay involved though.The schools mascot - the Dolphin!
After I dropped off Sierra I hurried to Kaitlyn's room to see if she had arrived yet. She started Kindergarten this year and I was so excited to see her and to give her a hug before she started her day. She hadn't arrived yet so I waited for them by the parking lot until they arrived. I couldn't walk her to her class because I had to hurry to get Landon to school. She looked so cute . .. it's hard to believe she is already starting Kindergarten.

I pray they all have the best school year ever. . .may the Lord protect and watch over every single child.

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