Saturday, August 02, 2008

Day 3 Working on the house

Day 3 we had Moises and his brother in law Armando come over and put together Alexia's bunkbed. She is going to be sharing a room with Jordan's girlfriend Jessica who is also an IHOP student. Carlos continued to work on the outside.
We had a lot of shopping to do. We went store to store looking for bedding for her. We finally ended up at Target where she found some things she liked.

Also, we had to pick up lots of things for the house.

We stopped by Melony and Moises's apartment!
She had it decorated so cute. They will be in KC for 3 more years . . the same as Jordan.
On the way back to the house I think it finally caught up with Alexia . .she had fallen asleep.One of Alexia's friends from back home is going to school at IHOP too. She arrived with her mom that day and she spent the day getting her room ready.The guys finished the bed so the girls and I put Alexia's room together.

It turned out really cute. Jessica will be moving in on Monday when she arrives back to KC.
I think it turned out so cute! We managed to get all her clothes in the closet.
I think she is going to really enjoy this new phase of her life.

We finished up for the day, got cleaned up and then went to get something to eat. It was nice having the evening with just the three of us. After dinner we went back to Wal-Mart to pick her up a few more things. We had to say goodbye that night (Thursday) because we were heading to Branson Friday morning. It felt strange telling her goodbye but I know she is going to have an awesome time and learn so much at school.

We love you Alexia!


Romany said...

You and Carlos have done such a great job that your kids are flying!

Cynthia said...

ACK! 2 gone... how is that feeling? I'm not ready for the 2nd one to move out. Fortunately, ours are all spread out quite a ways apart so it'll be a few more years before our next one moves out.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Emily, isn't it amazing how fast those years go once the first one moves out? Ack.

How long will she be in MO? The homes you've found for both are great. A blessing to other students as well. What a great thing that God has blessed you to be able to provide this.