Saturday, August 02, 2008

Day 2 Working on the house with friends

On Wednesday we had the help of our friends Melony and Moises. They are both from our missions base but they are currently going to school at IHOP. Melony is one of our worship leaders . . in fact we have three of our worship leaders currently in school at IHOP . .JOrdan, Melony and Christina!

Carlos was sooooooooo excited to have the help of Moises!
That day they cleaned out a shed that was filled with junk and had to remove a huge wood pile.
They worked so hard!
They had to carry everything from the back to the front and into the dumpster.
I did warn Carlos that there might be snakes in the wood pile.
They decided to go slowly through the pile.I was right . . .they found a snake.
They went ahead and sent it to snake heaven.
While they worked outside Alexia and I worked on her room.
She has soooooooooooooo many clothes. We were both nervous everything wasn't going to fit but thankfully it did.She and Melony then cleaned out the kitchen cabinets. They had to take out the old contact paper that was there.
It was pretty gross!But they persevered through it all. They then put in new contact paper.They made a great team.
Good job girls!
While they did the cabinets I worked on her bathroom.
I scrubbed everything and then hung up all her accessories.
Can you tell she LOVES Hello Kitty? We worked for about 8 hours and then we called it a day. We all took showers and got cleaned up and then we went to get something to eat.
Thank Mel and Mo for helping us out! We are so thankful for you both!
As I got ready to get in bed that night I couldn't help but look at my sweet baby girl all tucked in her bed and was fast asleep. I knew our days with her were passing by fast. Where does the time go?

Night Night Lexie!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

LOL about the Hello Kitty! CUTE. I think they will always be our babies, won't they?