Sunday, September 23, 2007

Italy Day 6

We started out this day in Florence by signing up for an all day tour bus. This was great because it took you all over Florence to all the important stops and while you were headed to these great places they had recordings you could listen to in English to explain what we were seeing. Then you get off and spend as much time as you want at these places and then get back on another bus to go to the next place. I lost my paper that had all the names of these places so I can't tell you exactly what you are seeing. There are so many churches in Italy we enjoyed walking through as many as we could.

It was too dark to take pictures inside.
There was a gentleman in the square putting on a show with marionette's.

A statue of Hercules.

Carlos LOVES lions so he had to take a picture with this big guy. The sculptures in these next few picturew were made back around 1300.

We stopped in a little store for some cheese, meat and bread.
The Italian fashions are incredible. It was fun to do alot of "window shopping" :-)

We took the tour bus to a town called Fiesole. It is a town outside of Florence.
We were hungry so we decided to eat some lunch.The insdie was adorable but we decided to eat outside.

After lunch we went site seeing.
The beautiful Itally countryside.

We then headed back to Florence.

This is the oldest bridge in Florence. It was built in the 1300's.

We then went to Michaelango's Park. These pictures do not do the views justice

We then headed back to our hotel for a good night's rest!
The ceilings in each room were all hand painted and had beautiful wood beams.
Florence was beautiful. My camera does not do the city justice. Tomorrow we leave Rome.


Cynthia said...

I love the photos, Emily! What an awesome trip.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I'm putting Italy right at the top of that illusive military dream sheet. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks Emily for taking time out of your fabulous vacation to post your pictures for us to enjoy. Ashley is going to be an art major and I can't wait for her to see these. She's going to love them. Carol

Emily said...

Thanks Cindy!

De'Etta - you would absolutely love it!

Thanks Carol . . .Ashley would be in heaven on earth if she could see those structure . . .they were beautiful!