Thursday, March 01, 2007

January and February's Big Kahuna's

CONGRATULATIONS To my Dad and to my sister in law Heidi. As I mentioned in an earlier post our family and extended family play a game each month called The Money Finders. We have about 20 family members from across the country that look for change. We created a yahoogroups called The MoneyFinders and when you find money you post it on the list. I then update the findings once a day. All money raised by the end of the year goes to a charity that we all vote and decide on. We also give prizes to the person who wins the most months and a prize to the person who finds the most money for the year. Last year we all ended up finding close to $300.00 . . . the money went to a charity!

January's Big Kahuna


February's Big Kahuna



Debbie said...

Emily, I just read your original post, what a great idea. I think it is a hoot that so many in your family are involved.

Emily said...

Debbie - we are just having a ball and it is so fun to see where everyone is finding their money. The best thing is presenting a nice check to a charity too!