Saturday, March 24, 2007

Busy Friday Night For Everyone!

This evening we all had something to do. Taylor was invited to a friends house for the night. Landon attended a birthday party and then was spending the night at his friends house. Alexia and Sierra were headed to youth group for a special service . . .Carlos preached tonight and Jordan led praise and worship. I was going to stay home but Lisa called me around 7:00 and asked me to go with her to the service so I did. After the service I went back to her house and we gave Ava a bath.

Look at the angelic face!!!!!
After her bath I lotioned her up, diapered her and got her jammies on while Lisa got something to eat for Kaitlyn. The princess was all ready for bed!

Here she is holding her teddy bear!

I was getting ready to head home when Kaitlyn asked, "Ebby, please pray for me before I got to sleep!" So, I headed in there and got her jammies on, tucked her in and said her prayers. She likes for them to pray and ask the angels to surround her all night. She can't go to sleep until they pray! What a cutie!!!

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