Thursday, January 04, 2007

Are we sure that it's winter?

This afternoon after the guys got through playing with their airguns - they decided to play some basketball. Carlos had this court built when Jordan was in high school so he could practice at the house while he was on the basketball team.Travis and Taylor - Sierra decided to go swimming since it was 81 degrees today . . . again I ask . . . .where is winter?????My friend Kelly lives in the 10 acres behind us. Her dog Ethel loves to come through the back fence to pay us a visit. She also loves to swim in our pool :-)



Lady G~ said...

I know, we were just talking about how we really haven't even had two consecutive "cool" days.

Ethel looks just like our Nicodemus. He doesn't like to go swimming though. He rather stay inside where it's cool. Can't say that I blame him. I would too, if I had all that hair.

Emily said...

Ethel is so funny. She loves the pool! She just sits there on the step and then when shes done she wants to go back outside.

Anonymous said...

I am sure it is not winter! It looks like summer in VT!!

Emily said...

Karen - they say a cold front is coming in tonight. Tomorrow is forecasted 40's for lows- I will believe it when I see it LOL - We have had our air on for almost the whole month of December!

Cynthia said...

Love the basketball court. We have a 1/2 court right now, but we'd like to expand it to a full size one now that our oldest son is getting old enough to appreciate one.

FUNNY picture of the dog in the pool. (LOL).

Emily said...

The basketball court was the only thing that my husband and boys requested when we built this house. They LOVE basketball. We usually have tons of people over here each weekend in the summer - they go from the court to the pool!