Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas - Our Christmas Letter and Photo

This year I couldn't decide on which picture so I sent our three different ones - I am posting them here because I everyone can see the ones they didn't get. Also, here is our Christmas Letter
Annual Christmas Letter 2006

Dear Family and Friends,

It’s hard to believe that we have almost completed another year. The older I get the faster time goes by. We have had an exciting but busy year. 2006 brought many changes. Jordan not only turned 18 years old but he also graduated from high school. Since this was his last year in high school we decided to take the whole family to Maui, Hawaii. Carlos’ brother Rick and his family went with us. We had the best time and it was a vacation that the children will never forget. Carlos went with Jordan on his “senior” trip. They went to New York to see a few Yankee games and then went to Boston to see the Red Sox play. Taylor, Landon and Carlos’ brother Ray went too. Jordan was accepted to a music program at a school in Louisiana. He was one of twenty three across the US that was accepted into this program. Jordan was so excited because his passion is music and he yearned to learn as much as he could about it all. In the middle of July we received a letter stating that the school was going to cancel the music program. Jordan was devastated – it didn’t leave him enough time to apply to another school. We told him that God sometimes closes doors and that for some reason he closed this one and that He must have something even better for him. He decided to enroll in a local accredited Bible School here in town and he is working at Best Buy.
Alexia turned 16 this year so we now have two drivers. Can you notice from my picture that I am quickly graying and Carlos is losing his hair? (just kidding) We now have four cars sitting in our driveway. Alexia also got her first job. She is working at Chick Fil A and really enjoying it. She is currently on the church dance team and on the Yearbook Committee at school. We also had a HUGE Sweet 16 party for her at a hotel over by Disney. We had about 125 people attend. I told my husband I never had a party like that ever J
Taylor just turned 14 in November. He made the Volleyball team and just recently made the Basketball team at his school. He said he is anxious for this next year to go by quickly because he will get his driver’s permit when he is 15. I am not in any hurry for this to happen.
Landon turned 11 on December 12th. He still loves baseball, constructing things with Lego’s and using his imagination. I love to watch him outdoors with his friends – they come up with the most creative things to play.
Sierra is going to be 7 on the 21st of December. She is so happy go lucky. She almost always has a smile on her face. She has been playing tennis and also taking baton twirling classes. She enjoys swimming and playing with her friends outdoors. She also has taken a liking to drawing. She has come up with some very beautiful pictures.
Carlos is doing great just busy as always with the church. He had been having some tightening in the heart so he went to see a cardiologist and had four weeks of tests done. We found out last week that his heart is perfect and that there is no blockage. You can’t imagine the relief we both felt when we got the news. I have also been busy doing the whole wife/mother thing. I did start a blog back in October. It is a great way for family and friends to keep up on what is going on with us. Here is the address to the blog – Please feel free to check the blog out frequently. I try to update it once a day with pictures and other fun things.
I pray you have a Merry Christmas and the best New Year. Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
With much love,
Carlos, Emily, Jordan, Alexia, Taylor, Landon and Sierra

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