Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning

I woke up around 9:30 am to a very quiet house. I got up and preheated the oven for the breakfast casserole - it takes an hour to bake so I figure I better get it started. The crew didn't all wakeup until about 11:00. We opened stockings first. The eat breakfast - breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls. We then open presents. Jordan was our official handing out the presents person. A few years ago I decided that I wanted to start wrapping early and getting the presents under the tree. The problem was the kids would see who was getting what and they would always shake and guess. So, I came up with the number system. As I wrap each present it gets assigned a number. I keep a running list of the number- who it is too and what it is. So, I handed the list to Jordan and we got started. I loved it that the kids got up late because everything lasted longer that way - instead of getting up and rushing through everything. We always have a tradition of going to a movie on Christmas Day so we are going to see We Are Marshall at 5 pm. Jordan and Alexia each had a friend over. Due to their families being gone we adopted them for Christmas :-)

Jordan and his stocking gifts.
Alexia's friend Nicole
Jordan's friend Rodney

Molly finding her stocking
She found them . . . .
Cassie went right to her goodies

Here are at Christmas breakfast.

The kids surprised us with a few gifts
We were shocked - they got us a High Definition DVD player and the HD MI cord to go with it. We wanted one of these and we couldn't believe the kids got together and gave it to us! Thanks kids - we love you!
Jordan with his Christmas haul . . . .

As you can see he was so excited that he got the Playstation 3 - actually we paid for half and he paid for the other half. Alexia's big present was the Paul Mitchell straightner and her pink NIKE shocks.
Taylor mainly wanted money - but he also received a new pair of PUMA's he wanted and a bunch of American Eagle clothes.
Landon always loves falling asleep in our bed because he says it is softer than his so he asked for a feather bed and down pillow. He also asked for a new Bible and Bible cover.
Sierra's big present was Heeley's - the tennis shoes with wheels in them - she also got some new games for her new DS.

All in all it was a great relaxing day. I need to go and get ready to go the movies. Merry Christmas!


Diann said...

We got an HD DVD player as a family gift too(actually, it is the one that goes with the Xbox 360). I got each of the girls and dh an HD movie as well. The picture is amazing!


Emily said...

Cool - I can't wait to try it. My dh just set it up today :-)