Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tuesday doings!

Carlos ended up having to be at the church most of the day yesterday so I decided to work up there too. I had some end of the year accounting to finish up. I worked up there until about three o'clock and then Lisa and another friend Cathie came up to the church and we cleaned all three buildings. Carlos had a meeting that night at the church. Ken, Lisa and I headed to a restaurant to eat. A friend of ours owns the restaurant and he ended up treating us all to dinner - that was a special treat. Our weather changed yesterday - it had been in the 80's for about 3 weeks but finally winter is here again - it was about 40 degrees last night and this morning when I woke up it is still cold. Our house is quiet again this morning - Carlos ended up leaving around 9 am to go look at some property with his dad. I didn't end up waking up until 10:30 am - the rest of the house is still quiet. We have been staying up too late lately so we are all tired and sleeping in. Well, I better get my day going - my home needs a little TLC so I better get started! Oh, by the way, I am very excited because this Sunday one of my sisters and my brother will be coming to our home. My other sister Michelle can't make it but at least I will have two of the three with us for New Years. Here are a few pictures taken last summer at our beach vacation with all my side of the family. In the first picture is my sister Michelle, my niece Ashley, Alexia, my sister Stephanie and me - yes that's me with my hair all back - it was humid and my hair needed to be pulled back :-)

In this picture is Taylor, Jordan, my nephew Travis, my nephew Nathan and my brother Andrew.Steph's family, Andrew's family, my parents and my grandma will all be staying with us starting New Years Eve. Steph and my parents are staying for most of the week - Andrew and my grandma are leaving on Wednesday. I am going to chersh the time with everyone - and I am going to miss Michelle and her family not being able to come.

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