Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Traveling All Night!

We decided to drive straight thru last night so the kids got settled and all were out for the night.

I couldn't see Landon he was under the covers somewhere.
Carlos drove until 3:30 am. These energy drinks kept him awake while we were all sleeping. I ended up getting to sleep around 11:30 and slept until he woke me up at 3:30 am. I then took my time at the wheel so Carlos could get some sleep.
This morning everybody found something to do. Taylor listened to his IPOD.
Landon and Sierra watched a movie on our portable DVD player.
And Alexia took over the driving for me so I could go back to sleep :-)
Our first signs of snow was spotted in southern Indiana. The kids were hoping to see piles and piles of it but we told them it is coming soon!

We are now going through Indianapolis right now. We are about 2 hours from my sister's house. Jordan flew in last night to Indy at midnight and my niece Ashley picked him up. They stayed last night at her apartment. Today at noon . . .my parents are flying in to Indy and Ashley and Jordan will pick them up and then head to my sister's house. We are looking forward to some wonderful times with the family.


Cynthia said...

I hope you have a great time with your family! It all sounds SO FUN! Dh and I each only have one sibling and everyone lives close by so we don't have the opportunitiy for fun reunions like this! I can imagine that it must all be very exciting!

Emily said...

We had a such fun time with my family! We head up north for Christmas every other year so next year we will be back home!