Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sierra's Fun Monday

Yesterday evening Sierra recieved a call from her Uncle Ray. He surprised her and bought tickets to the Hannah Montana Concert. She was so excited and couldn't believe that one of her "dreams" was actually going to come true! A big thanks to Uncle Ray for making her very happy!We then headed over to Ken and Lisa's for a going away dinner. She was so sweet to cook dinner for us . .. my family is so thankful because we had an empty fridge at our house. I tried to use everything that we had since we are going to be gone for the next two weeks. She made a yummy Mexican Chicken . . I will have to get the recipe and post it later. I made a pumpkin pie and brought it over for dessert.

Later on that night we let Sierra open five of her Christmas presents early. We don't think we will have room for all the presents because I have to bring all the other presents for everyone. Sierra ended up having more presents than the other kids because the older kids asked for larger more expensive gifts. She got lots of smaller gifts. :-)

She loves Hello Kitty!!!
Then she got some cool horse shirts. She loves horses and she can't wait to someday take riding lessons.

The rest will have to wait until Christmas morning up in Indiana at my sister's house!


Cynthia said...

I bet she was excited to open packages early! Those older kids presents sure are more expensive than when they were little! Our 4 yo has twice as many presents as the older kids for way less than 1/2 the cost (LOL)!

Emily said...

We just had no more room to pack the rest of the gifts so she lucked out and was able to open these :-)