Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our Annual Santa, Chick Fil A and Movie Night

Every December for YEARS we have had an annual tradition. We pick a night and head to the mall to see Santa, for to eat at Chick Fil A at the food court and then go see a Christmas movie. We decided last night that we would go and fulfill our tradition on Landon's birthday to make the night even more memorable.

Even though our kids do not believe in Santa we have always had the tradition of a Santa picture since Jordan was 6 months old. This year we were all kind of down because Jordan was not with us this year. This is the first time in 19 years that I haven't taken Jordan to see Santa or I should clarify . . . .at least take a Santa picture. I knew last year when he was here it would be the last year that I would have all give for this picture. We did have a good time but all of us kept mentioning that we wish Jordan could of been with us.

He happens to be in Portland, OR ministering at our friends Russian church.

Our first stop is always Santa. I am always amazed that my older kids will still take this picture. I know they do it for me but I am glad :-)

After the picture Sierra stayed a few minutes and spoke with Santa. I am not sure what he said to her but it sure cracked her up :-)
We then find someone to take a family picture for us. Again, this was strange not having Jordan with us for this picture.
Next year it will be different again because Alexia will be going to the same school that Jordan is now. Thanks Alexia for putting up with all my picture taking.
Taylor My birthday boy Landon!

After the pictures we head to the Food Court for a very nutrious meal :-)While we were there the kids saw our children's minister Joleen and her granddaughter Trinity.Sierra and I went over to the theater to pickup the tickets to the movie.We decided on Fred Claus
The movie was just ok . . . I found it a little boring but the whole evening was about tradition.We all had a great time together!

I am so thankful for all our kids.


We all missed you so much tonight. We wanted you to be with us but just know you were in all our thoughts.

Love you!


Romany said...

That looks like a good family night out, though I know you are missing Jordan.

What will Alexia be studying next year?

Donna said...

What a fun night out. I love the pictures with Santa.

Cynthia said...

What a fun tradition.

CATHIE said...

The kids are getting so big, Taylor looks like He going to be taller yet.

Emily said...

She will be taking classes on evangelistical training . . .intercession. . .etc. . .