Thursday, December 06, 2007

Greek Chicken Pasta

Today I stayed in most of the day wrapping up Christmas presents and getting the kids stockings filled to see what else I need to buy. Also, there were three Bare Escentual shows on QVC so I DVR'd the early morning one and then watched it later in the morning. There was another show at 1 pm and another one tonight at 9pm. I love watching these shows because they give you great application techniques.

After the kids came home from school I headed to the feed store to pickup some feed for Farley and then I went to the gym to workout for an hour. I came home and got dinner started. Tonight I tried a new recipe called Greek Chicken Pasta. The picture that you see of the finished product does not look that appetizing in the picture but it was good :-) Here is the recipe.

Greek Chicken Pasta
1 pound of Rigatoni uncooked
1 to 2 T of olive oil
2 cloves garlic pressed
1 small red onion chopped
3 boneless skinless chicken breast cut into bite sized pieces
1 large tomato chopped
1/2 cup feta cheese crumbled
2 T lemon juice
2 tsp oregano
salt and pepper to taste
In large pot, bring water to boil for pasta. Cook till al dente, drain and set aside.
While pasta is cooking, in a large skillet heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add garlic and onion, and saute till translucent but not brown. Add chicken and cook until chicken is done, about 5 minutes.
Reduce heat to medium low and add tomato, feta, lemon juice and oregano. Add pasta. Stir until completely heated through, salt and pepper to taste. If you notice the dish looks a little dry add more olive oil and toss.


Donna said...

Oh, that sounds good. I'll have to try it.

Robin said...

Sounds yummy! I love anything with feta. =)

Anonymous said...

That looks yummy!!
I should try that for end of unit celebration for TOG! ;o)

Bess said...

Miss Emily. You post some of the most delicious sounding recipes on your blog!

Emily said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words! :-)