Monday, December 17, 2007

The Fellowship Committee

After church Sunday the "fellowship committee" stayed after to help set up for that night's big Church Christmas Potluck. We have such wonderful volunteers that make great events happen. About nine of us stayed around to help set everything up.We couldn't do it without you all! We set up the tables and the chairs.
Brought the decorations.
And had it all finished by 3:00 pm. The party started at 5pm so we all decided to head to Ulta for some Bare Escentuals fun.All nine of us walked into Ulta and walked directly to the Bare Escentuals area. We all looked like kids in a candy store.
Our friend Millie who is our Food Pantry Manager had always wanted to try Bare Escentuals. Since there were no ULTA Sales assistants back there we decided to "play" ourselves. Lisa applied the BE and I described what she was doing on Millie. What was funny was other customers walked over and started watching. I think they thought we were teaching a BE class.
Millie loved the way it felt on her skin so much that she ended up buying the BE Starter kit.

You look great Millie and welcome to the world of Bare Escentuals :-)

Thank you ladies for helping us out. You made the setup go quickly and everything looked great!


Romany said...


What does the Fellowship Committee do? I know that sounds like a daft question. Do you organise all the Fellowship events? Or just aspects of them?

Emily said...

We plan the "social" event for the church. For example . . .we are now planning a HUGE Super Bowl Party that will be held at the church . . .we will have activities for young and old. Also, we are planning a couples Valentine Dinner right now too.

Our church loves fellowship and they love these type of events. Also, our church is located in a place that is in a major city that is surrounded by many smaller communities so people drive as far as 45 minutes to church. So, because our church is not a "community church" we have to make an extra effort to get us all together besides Sunday mornings:-)

Cynthia said...

FUN FUN! I miss fun social things like this. Our church is too big now to have any potlucks.