Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day 2 Kansas City

This afternoon was the beginning of the youth conference One Thing. The first session began at 2:00 pm. We arrived to find a HUGE registration line. They are expecting between 20,000 - 30,000 young people this weekend. One Thing 2007
People began filing into the convention center at 1pm. Due to our connections at IHOP we were blessed with front row VIP seating for the whole weekend.Here are some photo's from the afternoon and evening sessions.
Mike Bickle was the first speaker.

Corey Russell spoke second. He is the one that spoke at our church last month.

What a site to see so many thousands of young people on fire and worshipping the Lord together.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Amazing photos!

Emily said...

De'Etta, it gave me goose bumps to look around and see those young people so on fire for the Lord!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a good time in KC at the One Thing! It's a great experience. This is the 2nd year Michael hasn't played at it. Since he ministered and played with Jason Upton (and I worked for the ministry) for 4 years we always went to the One Things. Jason is Michael's best friend. We are in Frederick, MD where Michael is speaking and leading worship Sunday morning and then he and his band are also leading a New Year's worship service. Have an AWESOME time - if you've never heard Jason Upton I think you're going to love him. Let me know what you think.

Love you!


Emily said...

Hey Lil,
We missed you guys at KC. We had an awesome time at One Thing and at The Call. Jason was awesome . . he did a great job. Hope you had a great time in MD minstering. Hopefully we will get to see you sometime in 08. Love ya!

Cynthia said...

WOW! That's great that you were able to get special seating.