Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our Friday and New Babies

Today I wokeup again not feeling my best. I needed to go out and run errands but I just couldn't motivate myself to get myself out the door. So, I stayed home all day and did some laundry and more online Christmas shopping.

When the kids got home from school I fed them a quick dinner and then we left to take the kids to youth and prayer. Carlos had an appt with a pastor so I went ahead and headed to ToyRUS to pick up a few presents and then headed to the mall to meet Carlos after his appt. We were going to see a movie but there was nothing playing that we wanted to see so we decided to do some Christmas shopping.

When we got back to the church to pickup the kids, our children's director walked out of the building with her new grandbaby. I rolled down the window to take a peak and she handed him right to me. Isn't he a cutie!!!!

Congratulations Leroy and Richelle!

I have another friend who just had a baby the end of last month. Here are a few pictures of her new baby and the proud mommy and daddy!

Genesis Jasmine Cabrera arrived on Sat. Oct.20th @6:23am after a long 17 hour labor she was an amazing 8lb. 6oz. 21 1/2 inches .

Congratulations Omi and Jenny


Cynthia said...

Did you see the $10 off coupon for Toys R Us in last weekend's ads? I'm thinking about hitting that store today!

Emily said...

Oh bummer! I didn't see that coupon. I really could of used it last night.

Jennifer said...

All those babies!! I just love the smell of new babies.. :::sigh::: LOL!

Emily said...

I love the way babies smell too!!!