Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday After Church

Today John's sister Cindy, her husband Tom and their two girls Lauren and Olivia came to church today along with John and Brenda. They came in for the weekend for a short visit. It was great to see them! The last time we saw them was in Italy at the wedding! We look forward to getting together with them the next time they come to town.

After church my sweet Kaitlyn was at my side. She just grabbed my hand and followed me everywhere until it was time to leave.

She rode with me to the restaurant which for some reason she love to do :-)
We had a great lunch with Ken, Lisa and the kids. This morning Ken spoke at another church so he filled us in on that during lunch. Ken not only runs the church but also is the director of our Food Pantry. He was able to let this other church know all the great things that the food pantry is doing to reach the community. Great job Ken and congratulations on your first speaking engagement! Also, the work you are doing with the pantry is just INCREDIBLE. What a blessing the pantry is to the community. I start to tear up when I think about all the families that have been fed and housed through the pantry. Keep on keeping on Ken!!!
We have missed seeing Ken, Lisa and the kids. It seems like this past week we hardly saw each other. I am glad that our families are so close!
Christian was so cuite today. He told Sierra, "You are beautiful!" I told Christian that was so nice and that he was cute too. He said, "No, I'm not cute I'm HANDSOME!" We all cracked up with that one. (And yes Christian . . .you are very handsome!"After lunch we all headed back to church so we could attend a leaders meeting.
This was so cute! Isai was pretending to make her run while holding her. I tried to put it on video but it didn't turn out.
We are all home and I am studying for Bible School tomorrow night. I have two more lessons to go through and then I am reading for the rest of the evening!

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