Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sierra's Preaching Debut

Our children's director at church told the kids that each week a different child could bring forth a word to the other kids. Sierra was the first one to "preach" at our Children's Equipping Center!
This morning she spoke on Psalm 89:1 " I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever with my mouth will I make known your faithfulness to all generations."
Also, Proverbs 2:4 "If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasure." She spoke on having wisdom. Sierra,
Wow! We are so proud of you. We heard so many wonderful things from some of the parents that were in the room when you spoke. I wish we would of recorded it. That is so wonderful that you had the boldness to bring forth what God laid upon your heart to speak.

We love you!
Daddy and Mommy

Next week, I think she told me it's Landon's turn!


Romany said...

Wow! Sierra! What a wonderful thing to do!

Emily, How did she prepare? Did she have help from you guys?

Emily said...

Actually Carlos was suppose to help her but we were so busy he never had a chance. So, she put it all together herself. I asked her this morning how she put it together and she said she picked two verses and then went from there. She can't remember what she talked about so I am going to ask our children's director to see if she can tell me a few things that she did speak on. Also, this morning I found her "notes" in the car. It was so sweet and I put those notes in her keepsake file!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

This is cool!