Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dinner and Movie with John and Brenda

Tonight we met our friends John and Brenda for dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. We brought along Landon and Sierra with us. We had wonderful shrimp fajita's and of course bowls and bowls of chips and salsa. After we had dinner Carlos and I dropped off the kids at church for the Children's Prayer Watch which goes from 7 -10. We then met John and Brenda at the movie theater. We saw Tyler Perry's new movie - Why Did I Get Married? If you haven't seen any of Tyler Perry's movies you need to . . .they are so funny but he also brings in wonderful spiritual things into each movie. The movie tonight had us laughing one minute and crying the next. Plus, it had a wonderful Godly moral message throughout the movie. It is definitely not for kids but would make a great ladies night out movie or date night with your honey. Also, we ran into our friends from church Luis, Aleida and Joanne at the same movie. On a sidenote, please check FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Plugged in Family Reviews before you see this movie. There is a little bit of language nothing severe but enough where I wanted to mention it.
John and Brenda,
We had a wonderful time tonight. We really enjoy hanging out with you both. We are so blessed to have you as our friends. Thanks for treating us to the movie! Let's get together again soon!
We love you!
Carlos and Emily

We got home around 11 something. I checked my email and I had a message from my friend Cindy in Montana. She had some questions about Bare Escentuals and she wanted to give me a call. I emailed her back and let her know I was home and she could call any time. She called about 20 minutes later and we ended up chatting until almost 1 in the morning about Bare Escentuals. It was great talking with you Cindy! Well, I am off to sleep!


Romany said...

It must be so nice to hear eachother's voices after years of emailing. I know you emt before, but I was just thinking it might be nice to hear you all speaking and listen to the different accents.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I was just saying last night that I wanted a movie to really laugh at....

Emily said...

Dorothy -It is always nice to hear Cindy's voice. I wish I could talk to more on SHS. There have been a few times I have had the pleasure to call Cindy.

De'Etta- even though the movie has wonderful spiritual things throughout the movie it does have some language in it nothing too severe but enough where you might want to read the review first on the Focus on the family plugged in movie reviews.