Sunday, August 31, 2008

Children's Signs and Wonders Camp

Each year our Children's Equipping Center hosts the "Children's Signs and Wonders" Camp. We have over 100 kids registered for the camp. Ken, Lisa and I dropped off Sierra, Landon, Kaitlyn and Taylor on Friday evening. Taylor is playing drums for the youth worship team who is doing the praise and worship for the weekend.
Here is Sierra with the girls that she will be bunking with for the weekend. I totally forgot to take a picture of Landon and his group.

Here is Kaitlyn and her group!Ava was so cute. She thought she was going to stay too! Kaitlyn is such a good "big" sister.
The kids will stay through Monday. Lenny and Tracy Laguardia are the guest speakers. They run the Children's Equipping Center at IHOP in Kansas City.

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