Thursday, July 17, 2008

Someone is having a baby . . . . :-)

No, it's not me but Ken and Lisa :-) Yes, next March 2009 another sweet baby will be born into their already precious family! I am sooooooooooooo excited!
Today was Lisa's first doctor's appointment so I met her after she got off work and we headed to the doctor's office. We met Ken and the kids there.
I wish this picture would have come in lighter but this is right before she walks into the doctor's office. . .she has the three kids all around her. Ken was downstairs parking the car. Christian was watching for him to come back.
Christian helping Lisa fill out the paperwork.
Kaitlyn and Ava checking out all the baby magazines.
The kids all had to go to the restroom so Ken took Christian and I took the girls while Lisa finished up with the paperwork. I changed Ava's diaper and when we were finished she wanted Kaitlyn to come out :-)
"Hey! I want to wash my hands too!" We washed hers next!All ready to meet the doctor.
The nurse let us all in the room.
Lisa was a little sad because her OB who delivered the first three is no longer delivering babies so she had to find a new doctor. They referred her to this doctor so she was anxious to meet him to see what he was like.
I have been blessed to be able to be very involved in all her pregnancies. I was excited when she invited me to go with her today.
The appointment went great and she ended up loving the new doctor.
"Hey Guys! Here is the new doctor!"
Lisa has been having dreams that she was having twins.
So, the doctor had an ultrasound machine in his office so he went ahead and had an ultrasound done to find if she was or not.
"What twins??????????"
Well, as you can see from the picture below. .. . it is only 1. It measured 6 weeks and 3 days . . .just two days off from what they figured. They are going to keep the March 6th delivery date.
After having five babies myself you would think I would know the following but I learned something new today. If you look close at the picture you will see the big black circle is her womb. The baby is attached to the right hand side. You could see the heart beating. Then coming from the baby you will see the tiny umblical cord which is attached to an egg sack. I had never seen this before. The baby doesn't attach itself to the placenta until it's 11 to 12 weeks. The nurse said the baby is kept alive from that little egg sack. I asked her what happens to the sack once it attaches to the placenta .. the sack just dissolves. God is just amazing how He makes everything work.
Congratulations Ken and Lisa on your pregnancy. It was fun going to your appointment and being able to see the next little bundle of joy that I get to spoil in about 8 months :-)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Congrats to Ken and Lisa. It seems like only yesterday you were announcing the arrival of Ava. Exciting times.

Emily said...

I will forward your congrats to her. They were actually in a state of shock when they found out. This one took them by a complete surprise. :-) I am so excited. I know I am still years off from becoming a grandmother so as long as Lisa keeps having babies I can spoil hers until I have grandkids someday .. . :-)

Lady G~ said...

AWESOME! CONGRATS the growing family!

Cynthia said...

How exciting. We just found out last week that some friends of ours are having another one - also in March!

Of course, Ken and Lisa don't know me, but I feel like I know them through you so tell them congrats from me