Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Skyline Chili and Memory From The Past

The first event of our family reunion was a dinner at Cincinnati's famous Skyline Chili. We all met up around 6:30 pm for dinner. Uncle Jim, Dad and RayJamie, Sierra, Abigail and Kaley
Ward, Alex, Taylor and Andrew
Sam, Landon, Taylor and Travis
Joe, Aunt Diane, Carlos, Mom, Marika and Shelby
Me, Michelle and my cousins Julie and Mary
The chili can sometimes be a little messy so they supply everyone with a bib.
Smile Travis!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Taylor enjoying his chili dog!
Andrew, Heidi, Emily Grace, Ansley Faith along with Alex and Sierra. Also, little Paisley Hope in Heidi's tummy. She is due in October. After dinner we took a drive over to our grandparents home. My dad parents are now in heaven but this is the house the lived in and raised my dad and my two uncles. Dad knocked on the door but the new owners were not there.
Dad on the porch enjoying some time at the house he grew up in.

I wish Michelle and Steph could of been here in this picture. Maybe we will go back there again another day.

The front porch where I played as a child too.
This is at the end of their street.Dad then treated us all to Smoothie's.
Me and my baby brother.
When we got back to the hotel all the cousins were playing cards.
Tuesday night we are all going to a Red's game so the "grandpa's" were working on the tickets.Andrew and Sierra
Andrew with his buddy Landon
We then all turned down for the night. We are looking forward to a fun week here in Cincinnati.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

How fun that you were able to visit your dad's childhood home.