Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Red's Game Part 2

The kids were so excited to be here at the Red's game. This was my nephew Andrew's first major league baseball game.
My side of the family are Red's fans. Carlos's side of the family are Yankee fans. I have to be both .. . so my blood is Red and Blue!

My niece Ashley had on these cute hair pony tails!

Pittsburgh was ahead most of the game. Andrew was losing hope.Oh no . . .not another fly ball. What a homerun?????????????? Yessssssssssssssssssss!
He was so happy he gave Kaley a big kiss.Kaley wanted to hold Ansley but she was content with Abbey. Ahhhhh poor Kaley!
The Red's Diva!
Sweet Emily Grace!

Are you crazy Aunt Emmy . . .. more pictures??????????
Ok . .. just one more :-)
Ansley Faith with her Aunt Stephi and Aunt Emmy

Here are some views from the stadium balcony.
The Bengal's Stadium
Two of my precious nieces.
Me and Abby Girl as I call her
We are crazy Red's fans!!!!!!!!!!
Go Red's Beat Pittsburgh

Well, the game went into 2 extra innings but the Red's lost. But not all was lost. Taylor ended up catching a game ball!

We all had a fun time at the game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I love a good ballgame!! I watched my beloved Mets (sorry Carlos!) play the Reds there in Cinnci a number of years ago. Like your team, my poor Mets least that night your Reds won!! There's nothing like ballpark dogs and peanuts! Looks like a good time was had by all!