Thursday, July 03, 2008

Kings Island - Part 1

Wednesday after breakfast we drove to Kings Island which if one of two great amusement parks in Ohio. Dad and Mom treated us all to this fun day.We were ready for a day of riding rollercoasters and other fun rides!My brother Andrew, his wife Heidi, Emily Grace and Ansley Faith.We decided since there were so many of us to split into groups. First group Alex, Landon, Shelby and Kaley. This group was very excited to be on their own. I think this was a first for all of them.Another group consisted of Taylor K., Taylor S, Jamie, Marika and Travis.All the cousins 8 and under went with the grandparents over to the Kiddie Area. Heidi joined this group too since she is pregnant.Which left the rest of us to go and hit all the crazy rides!Michelle trying to figure out which way we should go. My brother Andrew, me, our cousin Ward, Steph and MichelleUncle Jim (my dad's brother), Aunt Diane and Sierra Ashley, Sponge Bob and Sierra
They finally all decided where we should go first.
The first ride was the Fire Hawk
Carlos making sure he is all locked up.Uh???????? I am not too sure about this.They then start to lower the seats backwards.Until you are flat on your back.Then they take off and most of the ride is either done face up or face down . . .crazy!!!!!!We all took turns each ride sitting out so someone could hold our backpacks and wallets. I was the first person to sit out.Then it was off to the VORTEX.
Joe and Carlos high fiving themselves for making it through the first ride.

Uncle Jim and Dad. . . I didn't notice Uncle Jim's eyes were closed.
Emily Grace , me and Ansley Faith
Aunt Diane and Mom
Aunt Steph with the girls.
Time out for a lunch break.
Me and my baby brother!
This spells trouble! LOL
Heidi and baby Paisly
Dad with his first grandbaby Ashley!

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