Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Heading Home and Stop at IHOP Cartersville

We left Cincinnati late afternoon this past Friday. We had to be home by Saturday night because Carlos had to preach Sunday morning and I was playing keyboard and had to be at the church by 7:15 am. We were all so tired on the way home but we had a great and totally fun week. On the way home we saw a deer on the side of the road. You can barely see him in this photo on the left hand side.

Carlos wanted to stop at the IHOP Cartersville Prayer Room on the way home since we drove right past there.
I had the worship leaders there as one of my friends on myspace so I got ahold of her the night before and she gave me her cell number so we could get a hold of her the next day. We arrived there around 10:30 Saturday morning.
There prayer room is located in a store front like ours is too.
Stephanie and Daniel took us on a tour of the place.
Coffee and bookstore area.

Here is Stephanie showing us around the prayer room.

Their healing room.
Children's area

Break room.
Briefing and Debriefing room
Thanks Daniel!
Thanks Stephanie! It was great meeting you both in person!We went through Atlanta!
We arrived home around 5:00 Saturday night.

Saturday night after we got home I was planning on playing keys at the Hollywood prayer watch but we had bad storms go through that evening and we got word that the power went out at the prayer room so all watches were cancelled. So, I worked on laundry and went to bed extra early so I could get up at 5:15 the next morning to be at the church by 7:15 am for practice.

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