Sunday, July 13, 2008

Heading Home Again

The kids and I flew to Vancouver with Delta Frequent Flyer Miles. Carlos's ticket was purchased by the church in Portland. We ended up flying in on two different airlines and arriving and leaving on different days.
The kids and I had to fly out very late Saturday night. Our plane was leaving around 10:50 pm. We were able to hear Carlos preach for a little bit before we had to leave for the airport. We got checked in at the airport and then we treated ourselves to Starbucks.

The flight would have us flying all night!
As soon as we got on the plane Landon was out . .. all the way to Atlanta.It took Sierra a little bit of time to relax and get settled but eventually she did too.
I had a hard time falling asleep so I am extremely tired today. We arrived back in Orlando around 9am Sunday morning. My friend Meraly picked us up and drove us to the church where our car was.
We came home and everyone crashed for about 4 hours. We had a great time but it's great to be home. Carlos comes home tomorrow morning.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I enjoyed catching up on your busy life. You must live with perpetual jet lag. LOL

Cynthia said...

That was SOME flight! I don't think we've ever done an all nighter before.