Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday at Camp

Friday night after the service they made a fire in the fire pit by the cabins.A few of us gathered together and talked and ate for hours :-)Saturday we woke up to another gorgeous day. There was not a cloud in the sky and the temps were rising slowly. After breakfast they had a baptismal service down at the river. What an incredibly beautiful place to be baptized.
Surrounded by God's creation.
Everyone gathered at the waters edge.
I got there a little late so I stood toward the back.My camera couldn't get close enough to actually see them be baptized.
Carlos was right there in the front.

Afterwards they gathered together with Pastor Vasily for a picture.
Over the last 13 years Carlos has made wonderful friends here in Washington and Oregon. I too have made some great friends.Michael is originally from Siberia.

He shocked Carlos and I when he took off his shoes and dove right in to the freezing cold river with clothes and all. :-)Carlos was said there was no way he was getting in that cold water. LOLIt is so peaceful here at this camp. We have had such a nice time spending time with our Russian friends but also spending a lot of time with each other.

On the way back to the cabin we ran into Elena and Sierra.

My friend Viera made a little sleep area outside her cabin . I found her fast asleep.

Me and Elena

She is always so sweet to our kids. She spent a lot of time with Sierra and Landon.

She also gave me a beautiful pair of earrings.

Carlos and I decided to go on a walk. We walked to the gazebo by the little creek.

There is a little waterfall right behind it.

It was nice having so much time to talk and to spend together this trip.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I remember this camp from your blog last year. How fun to get to plan to go each year!