Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday At Camp

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! It was freezing last night but boy did we sleep great. As the day got started on Friday the temps began to rise to about 80 degrees.

After breakfast I made a stop at the Kid Corner to see what they were up to.

They have the best ideas for the kids! They all seem to enjoy it!

Last year I met sweet Eugene. We became instant friends and spent a lot of time together last year. I finally saw him on Friday and it was good to give him a hug and say hello.That afternoon we had a real treat. Pastor Vasily raises sheep. They slaughter about one a month to eat. They surprised everyone and had a barbecue.Hmmmmmmm it was so good!Vasily and Carlos enjoying some shish- kabobs.

Vasily and Elena with their first grandchild . . little Nathan. Their other daughter is 10 weeks pregnant so grandbaby number two is coming next February.
Landon with all his "friends".

Friday night service.

Pastor Sergie and his wife Elena are from Seattle. He invited Carlos to come to their church and preach sometime in November.

Carlos and I have had such a great time on this trip. We have had a lot of alone time where we have been able to talk about the missions base, the church and alot of other things. For years, I was not able to travel with him due to the children being young but now that they are older this has allowed me to partnering with him in ministry.


CATHIE said...

I know Your having a wonderful time. I remember when we all went to Portland and visited Vasily and his family, they gave us a wonderful meal, one of my favorite trips. Wish I were with you!


Anonymous said...

you guys better come next yearr