Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Blessings Keep Pouring In

About three weeks ago Ken (Lisa's husband and our church administrator) called me and said we need to start praying big time that the building where we currently have our church offices and our Prayer Room gets subleased. We want to move everything over to the new building as soon as possible. By subleasing that building it will save the ministry $3600 a month.

Well, I started praying and also sent an email out to our church members asking them to pray. That was about three weeks ago . . . yesterday I was at the office and Ken said, "Emily, look at this!" It was a signed contract . . another church subleased the building from us. PTL! This now allows us to move everything over to our main building. God is so good!
Also, after I lead worship for my Wednesday prayer set I noticed some more instruments that were donated. Someone had dropped off a clarinet and a guitar. The guitar will be used for the Children's prayer watch on Friday nights. This is so exciting! Thank you everyone for all your donations to the prayer room.

And to top it off . . . .Carlos told me that someone donated $1000.00 towards the purchase of our AVIOM system we want to get. We also sold 132 bottled waters in the last few weeks. That brings our total raised to $1132.00 for the system. The system is going to cost us about $9000.00 but I am confident that we will be able to raise the money or that God will come through like he did with this $1000.00. Thank you to all who support the music ministry of our Missions Base.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

WHOO HOO!! You'll like the new aviom when you're able to purchase it.