An Awesome Gift for our Prayer Room
About a month ago I sent through our church email list the need for some guitars for our prayer room. Well, tonight someone blessed us with an acoustic, electric and bass guitar . . . along with cases for all of them.
God is soooooooooooooooo good! The donor wants to remain anonymous because they said they want everyone to know that even in times when finances for most people are tight . . .God can still provide for your needs!
Also, the person who donated the guitars . . donated a baby dejembe and then tonight someone else donated the full size dejembe!
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and for hearing our prayers.
Thank you to the wonderful people that donated these items to our prayer room. They will be used forever to glorify and to worship our Lord.

hey do u know if their is going to be THECALL in California ?
can u please contact me at
it would mean alot!
Yes . . there will be The Call California this fall . . the date has now been set yet. Go to this website for more information
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