Congratulations Alexia Homecoming Court
This morning I received a call from Alexia. When I first heard her voice I started to panic for a minute because I wasn't sure if anything was wrong. She normally doesn't call during school hours. She went on to tell me that she had just found out that she made the "Homecoming Court". She was so excited!!!! As I hung up the phone I had a rush of memories flowing through my mind.
Back in October 1983 when I was a senior in high school I received the same news . .. I too had made the Homecoming Court. This news for me came at a perfect time. I had been kind of down because for the first time since I was in 7th grade I had not made cheerleading. I took that very hard especially since it was my senior year. So, making the court made me feel so much better even though the pain of not making the cheer team my senior year was still there.
So, today I went to my closet and pulled down my senior year scrapbook. I started looking at all the pages of pictures and newpaper articles. Here is a look back in time during that time in my life.
Over the next few weeks after receiving the new that I had made the court the local papers came to the school to take pictures of the Homecoming Court. Notice how we were all wearing dresses with bows . . what was up with that? :-)
On the court were my friends Liz, Jenni and her twin sister Jill, Jeff, Dick, Kim (who a few years later married Jenni ), and John
This is our school paper that came out in October 83.
At that time I was working at the local grocery store. That evening on my way to get my hair done for Homecoming I passed by the grocery and saw this sign.
About 10 minutes down the road my worse nightmare happened . . . .I ran out of gas. Thankfully I was close to a vegetable/fruit stand. The people there were so helpful when I explained what was going on. They got me some gas and I was back on my way to the hair salon.
My Popa (who has now gone to heaven) clipped this cartoon for me that happened to come out that night in the paper!I made it to the salon which was owned by my good friend Kathie. As I left the salon she gave me this letter. It didn't photograph good so I can't show it but her words in that letter really helped me to appreciate the honor it was to be a nominated to the court.
The letter really meant alot especially after what happened with cheerleading. You all might be thinking what is the big deal . . .but you have to remember I was a teenager and I had been cheering for years :-)
Me and Kathie!

It was such a cool feeling and it made all the sad things from the last few month slip away.

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