Sunday, September 30, 2007

Finished the Firstborn Series

While on vacation in Italy I took along with me and finished the last three books of the Firstborn Series of the Karen Kingsbury books. Oh my goodness . . . . this series was a continuation of the Redemption series and boy was this series just as good as the first!!!! The this set of books are called the Sunrise series. She only has two books out so far in this series . .. Sunrise and Summer. I just ordered them from the library but I am 10 th in line for them so it might be awhile. I might have to go back to my Anne of Green Gables series until the two books come in.


Cynthia said...

I'm so excited! I just received Redemption from the library!

Cynthia said...

I can't wait to start reading it as soon as I finish my 2 Africa books.

Emily said...

Girl . . .hurry up and finish those Africa books LOL