Monday, June 11, 2007

Wedding On The Beach!

This morning Lisa came into our hotel room thankfully to borrow something and found Sierra and I both asleep. It was about 8:30 am . .. the wedding started at 9:00am. I jumped out of bed and threw on my clothes. I think it was the fastest that I ever got ready to go anywhere LOL. Sierra was so good . . .she got ready quickly too! We made it to the beach where the wedding was being held with a few minutes to spare. When we got there we saw Christina and her dad waiting in the car until the whole wedding party was set and ready. Christina and her father John
Beachside wedding
The wedding party waiting for the wedding to start.
Adam . . .waiting for his bride to be.
Adam and Christina asked everyone to wear black and white. Sierra and I getting a quick picture!
Lisa and her girlsMe and Lisa
Here comes the groomsmen and the bridesmaids!
The groom is all set!
Alexia and her escort were the last in line!

The beautiful flower girl!
Here comes the bride . . .
all dressed in white.
Let the ceremony begin!

You may KISS the bride!
They are now husband and wife!

Walking down the path of life . . . ready to start their life together as man and wife.
Adam is already doing his husbandly duties . . .helping her get untangled! :-)
Alexia and one of her best buddies Melany
Alexia and ME
Carlos and Jordan flew in late Sunday night. They drove over to the beach early this morning.

Ken and LisaGeorge and Boly

Best Buds!
Kevin and Lisa!

Welcome home Jordan! We missed you!

What a fun snapshot!
Cheyenne, Brittney and Cierra!
Me and Kaitlyn
The wedding cake
First dance

Carlos and Lisa
Ahhhhh! She missed him too! My two baby girls!
Jordan's friend Nate "won" the garter . . .wonder if that means anything??




Cynthia said...

What a beautiful setting for a wedding! Oh.. and I *LOVE* the wedding cake. That's adorable (LOL).

all in the family said...

How pretty is that! WHO is that getting married? Do they go to your church? Where did they get married at?

Beth SHS

Emily said...

Cindy - isn't that wedding cake cute! It was perfect for a beach wedding!

Beth - Adam is our Bible School Director. They both have attended our church for a long time too :-)
They got married at New Smyrna Beach!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

What a fun idea for a wedding. I loved the barefeet and the sand castle cake. I bet they get some really gorgeous photos - your shots were great.

Diann said...

What a beautiful wedding! The cake was really fun.

Emily said...

De'etta and Diann . .I was wondering what kind of cake they would have and when I finally saw it . . .I thought how perfect!

Lizaveta said...

Wow it's really nice to have a wedding on the beach!
P.S can you tell me how you adding those lines on the time(where u going somewhere) thank you.(and tell me how are u finding those stuf...

Emily said...

Liza - go to

They have lots of different tickers to choose from! :-)