Sunday, June 10, 2007

We are back at the beach!

Saturday night Sierra and I went shopping with Lisa and the kids. We went to ROSS because we were looking for outfits for a beach wedding we are going to on Monday. After Ross we met Ken and he picked up Christian and headed home. All the girls then headed to Don Pablos for dinner. We are not sure exactly what happened but Sierra took one bite of her chicken nugget with honey mustard sauce and immediately started crying that her stomach hurt. I thought it was because she downed two glasses of Sprite . . .as you can see from the look on my face I was trying not to laugh. You have to understand . . . Sierra is our drama queen :-) Then Lisa brought the camera out and well . . . that made her cry even more. I have to tell you she was extremely tired. . .we have been up late every night for many nights in a row so add that with her tummy ache and it doesn't make a happy little girl! She then thought we were making fun of her so she started crying even harder. We were trying to make her laugh and it wasn't working!!! So, I put on my pout face and tried to comfort her. . . .eventually she stopped crying! Poor Sierra!

Sunday . . . . .

Well, if you can believe this we are back at the beach. Our friends Adam and Christina are getting married tomorrow morning right on the beach. A bunch of us decided to drive over today after church so we would be here early and that way we wouldn't have to wakeup early.

Taylor and Landon made it safely to Kansas City for their youth camp. Carlos and Jordan's flight was cancelled yesterday so they are still in Kansas City. This was good and bad . . .good that they were able to see Landon and Taylor when they arrived . . .bad . . .Carlos never made it to church to preach. They are due home late tonight and they will be driving over to the beach tomorrow for the wedding.

Alexia, Sierra and I are here at the beach . Ken, Lisa and the kids are in the room right next door. Kaitlyn and Sierra already went swimming. I opted to wait until tomorrow.! We are now getting ready to go and eat dinner. I think we are going to go to Outback for soup and salad!

I didn't swim tonight but Lisa got in and worked with Kaitlyn for about 20 minutes . . .she is doing awesome!A crab that was caught!We are now in my room giving our friend Melany a Bare Escentuals Makeover! Here is her before: Melany's BeforeMelany's After!

Lisa then did a makeover on Marisol. She first started with plucking and shaping her eyebrows. Lisa always does an amazing job at eyebrows!

Marisol's Before

Marisol's After Eyebrows and Bare Escentuals


Cynthia said...

Hey.. maybe you can come here and do a Bare Escentuals makeover on me! I'm just about out of my Clinique stuff again and I might be up for trying something different, but I looked at it before and couldn't figure out what to buy... so I continued with what I know... because it doesn't take any TIME to go with what you know (LOL)! Put me on your calendar for when I come back in Jan or Feb next year!

Emily said...

Cindy - you first need to start with a starter kit. Do you have a Bare Escentuals Boutique near you? Or what about an Ulta or Sephora. They all give FREE makeovers and they will help you decide on which foundation color is best for you. I am medium/medium beige in the fall and winter and medium beige medium tan in the spring/summer.

Are you near the Mall Of America? There is a BE boutique there . . also Macy's or Nordstrom's too.

I will definitly give you a makeover next time you are in town!! Won't that be fun :-)