We finally made it to the condo!
We normally get to the beach earlier than we did tonight but I just couldn't get us all together fast enough. By the time we got her it was already 8:30 pm and it was already dark. Here are few pictures from the condo where we will be staying for the week! Better pictures tomorrow when it is daylight. Each Memorial Weekend we have made it a tradition to head to the beach. Some years we go to the east coast and some times the west coast. This year we headed to New Smyrna Beach. Since we started the church 7 years ago, we have always made it a tradition also to have a Wednesday night service in lieu of a Sunday morning service. Then MANY of the people who attend our church head to the beach too. This year we rented 19 condo's and have 0ver 75 people who will be here for the weekend with us. (For those who will be in town on Sunday - the pastors take turns each year and do one service on Sunday morning - this year it is Carlos' turn so he will head back home on Sunday to preach and then he will head back to the beach after church)
Our family and Ken and Lisa's family stay for the whole week! The majority of the people will be here Friday through Monday! It's always a lot of fun for us all to get together at the beach! We are looking forward to a nice, relaxing week celebrating Memorial Day and the fact that summer vacation starts tomorrow :-) Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUN FUN! I love how your church does so many things together. How many are in your church?
We started the church 7 years ago with about 11 people. Today we run over 400!
400 is about what our old church was and it was still a nice size for doing fun big group activities. The church we attend now has about 1500+ a weekend and it's just too many people to even have a potluck or BBQ together. There are things I miss about a small church and things I like about a big church.
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