The Beach - Day 1
This morning we all slept in and boy did it feel good! I got up and was going to head to Wal-Mart and Publix to get groceries and supplies but Lisa called and invited us over for breakfast - she makes the BEST breakfasts!!!
When we got down there Kaitlyn and Ava were watching TV in bed.Christian had just finished eating.
While Lisa made our breakfast I fed Ava her rice cereal. Lisa started her on it just a few days ago so the whole texture of food is still new to her.
She did great and ate the whole bowl!
Here was our grand breakfast. It was an omelet with green peppers, onions, tomatoes and kielbasa sausage. Yum! Also, she had french bread with an assortment of different cheeses.
Here are Landon and Sierra waiting for their eggs. They brought some cereal down from our place to eat while they waited.
This is where we are staying. It was just a coincidence but our other very good friends Scott and Tammi own a condo are this same building. When Lisa found these condo's for all of us she didn't realize that they had a place here. They aren't here this week because they rented it out to another family.
This is our view out the front of our condo.
View to the side!
When I got back from the grocery everyone was down at the beach.
Sierra, Kaitlyn and Christian enjoying the beach!
This is Ava's first time to the beach!
I love Lisa's hat . . . I want to get a new one like that because it covers your neck and shoulders more than the one I bought last year.
It then started to rain so we all headed back up to our rooms to make lunch. We are now resting and then heading back down to the water as soon as it clears up!
Alexia and Taylor made it here a few minutes ago. They brought Taylor's friend Chris with them. He will be staying with us through Monday and then heading back home! The only one we are missing is Jordan . . .he is still in Washington preaching. He had 3 or 4 speaking engagements this week. He is flying home this Tuesday.
FUN FUN! We are thinking our next vacation needs to include LOTS of beach time since we really haven't had just a "beach" vacation yet! So, when you get back send me the details of where you stayed so I can check it out. We're hoping to stay on the Gulf side since we've heard the beaches are better over on that side. Is that true?
I just emailed you the information this morning :-) The beaches are prettier on the west coast. Now, my boys like the east side better because of the waves . . . usually the west side is VERY calm. The west side is also better for finding sea shells!
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