By this morning almost everyone had headed home. We are going home tomorrow afternoon. Luis, Aleida and their girls decided to stay one more night along with us and Ken, Lisa and the kids. Ken surprised us and went to a bagel store and came back to the condo with bagels for everyone. They were so good!
Today was so relaxing. We spent half the time at the beach and the other half at the pool. here are a few pictures from the day. I didn't take very many today! Carlos had taken the cutest picture of Ava and I but I accidentally deleted it. This one was saved instead and her eyes were closed . . .but she is still adorable!

Not only did Christian and Ava take naps on the beach but . . . . . . . ..

their momma did too :-)

Are these just the most incredible thighs you have ever seen :-)

I found my honey reading again . . . .

I did some reading on the beach too. I know some of you won't believe this but I started the Anne of Green Gables series. I bought the whole box set about 7 years ago for Alexia. I don't ever remember reading this series when I was growing up. I wanted some "easy" reading for our vacation so I brought the first one with me. I have to admit I really like this book. I also have the movie box set too so I can't wait to watch the movies after I read the books.
Kaitlyn and Alyssa were having fun dancing around on the edge of the beach. I don't know what they were dancing to but they were so cute!
Ok Jeremiah . . .go out for the pass . . . . .
Perfect throw!
We are all now getting ready to head to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. More later!
Looks like a wonderful time being had by all. Enjoy.
Thanks De'Etta! We are heading home tomorrow!
I LOVE the Green Gables series. We read them out loud years ago when the girls were younger.
We read the Anne books aloud to the kids too. They loved them and laughed outloud a lot too. I remember how sad we were when Anne's baby died in one of the later books.
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