The Beach - Day 4 Continued
Tonight we were going to go out for Mexican but Luis and Aleida invited a bunch of us over to their condo for dinner. She had the most incredible steak and burgers. She made some kind of garlic marinade which was awesome!!!
I had something tragic happen today. Our friend Ralph found my camera down in the sand on the beach. I started to panic . . .me with no camera . .. not a good thing! :-) We tried cleaning the sand out and much to no avail . . .we could not get it to work. I was devastated . . . I couldn't believe I wouldn't have a camera for the rest of our vacation. I went ahead and finished eating and then went back to our condo. I started praying . . .please God . . .fix my camera :-) About 5 minutes later . . the screen appeared . . . and then all of a sudden it started working. I ran back to their condo and said Aleida . . .let me take a picture of you. It worked!!!! It is a little blurry but it took a pictureThen a few minutes later I decided to try again and snapped this picture of Janice and Jayden. Yea! It worked and the picture was clearer! Thank you Lord for fixing my camera!!!!!
Everyone is now playing Catch Phrase and then we are calling it a night!
SO glad your camera started to work again! It would be a tragic thing to be without a camera (LOL). My video camera quit working when we were in FL... too much rain on it.. but after we got back home and it had plenty of time to dry out it started working again! I was so glad because I sure didn't have the $$ to buy another one.
Thank goodness! I can't imagine life without looking at your pictures on your blog. And your family would think you had lost an appendage or something if they didn't see the camera attached to the end of your arm. Imagine the panic that would have insued!
Cynthia - you don't know how much I paniced!!! I was so thankful when I saw that screen turn on.
Diann - you are too funny :-)
Wow! Emily, so glad your camera wasn't permanently damaged. Isn't God good to care about those "little things."
Kathy - Amen to that! God is so good!
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