Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday afternoon!

Today our friends Luis and Aleida invited our family and Ken and Lisa's over for lunch after church. They made us the most wonderful meal . . ribs, shrimp, rice, salad, potato salad and pecan pie and pumpkin pie. After lunch we all sat around and hungout while the kids played.
Here is Ken and Luis
Lisa, me and Aleida Here is Carlos (aka Papa) with Christian's hat playing cowboys whil Sierra is being amused by both of them. Carlos and Christian are buddies!

THis is Alyssa their youngest daughter. And Angelica their oldest daughter!
Here I am with Christian. He was so happy because Angelica let him carry around her little Minnie Mouse. He always carries around his little Micky Mouse so he was excited to have the pair. Christian loves Toy Story . . here he is pretending to be Woody!
Kaitlyn taking a spin on their drums!
Landon and their son Jeremiah!
Later on in the afternoon we decided to go hangout outside. Our other friends Ralph and Rachel, who live behind them came over too. Lisa and Ralph started playing baseball.Go Ralph!
Go Lisa!Landon watching attentively!
Rachel and me!
Even the dog was watching!

By the end of the evening we all needed a nap!

Thanks Luis, Aleida and kids for having us all over! The meal and hospitality were awesome! Thanks again for a great time!


Cynthia said...

Sounds like a GREAT Sunday afternoon!

Emily said...

It was Cindy . . it was so relaxing and the food was so good too. I left there totally stuffed!