Monday, April 30, 2007

A New Beginning!

With permission from my friend Deanna . . .I share the following things:

Today is a brand new start for Deanna. As many of you know she has a alchohol and a drug addiction. She admits she needs help and she wants it. This morning around 9:15 am I picked up Selena because her grandmother and grandfather were taking Deanna to a women's rehab. They are going there to check it out and if it looks like a good place she will start her program there today. She has asked for as much prayer as possible. She said to please feel free to send this prayer request around the world. She knows that prayer is powerful and that the more praying for her, Selena and Kody the better. So, if you feel led, please lift Deanna up. She wants to start over . . . a new life . . .a life free from addictions and a life with her two precious blessings.

This picture was taken this morning right before she left for rehab. Kody had already left for school by the time I got there.

Here she is with her mom Della! After picking up Selena we headed over to Lisa's house. I ended up picking up the three kids and brought them home with me for a few hours. Boy, did it feel like good ole times when I had 4 little ones at home!Normally Kaitlyn is scared of Molly but today she was very brave and spent a lot of time playing and petting her!
Carlos was just getting ready to leave for work so I brought all the kids upstairs so they could spend some time with him before he left. I then had all the kids lay down next to Ava to take a picture. Ava was so funny . . .she just kept giggling and giggling!
Kaitlyn and Christian wanted to play Lego's and pirates . . .Selena wanted to watch Barney!
Ava just watched them all!
Then she started to get hungry so we headed downstairs so I could make her a bottle. I didn't have any where to put her down so I tried her in the high chair . . .she ended up loving it!
Around 11:30 I packed the kids up and we headed to the church office. I had a bunch of work to do and we were going to meet Ken up there after a meeting that he had. By the time we got there Ava and Selena had fallen asleep. I ended up carrying in each of their carseats so they could sleep for a little bit while I worked. Here they are just after waking up!

Ava gave the day a "thumb's up"!! She had a great time with all of us!Kaitlyn was my helper today . . what a good worker! Around 12:30 Ken took off with her 3 kiddies and Selena and I continued to work at the office. She was such a good girl! We ended up taking off around 2:30 pm . . and headed to McDonalds for lunch. She wanted chicken and french fries.
We then headed to Della's house to meet Kody at the busstop. Della and Dave were not going to be home until aroun d 5:00 and so I brought Kody home with me.
I want to thank everyone for your prayers for Deanna. She is so thankful for everyone that is praying for her! I will keep you updated on her!
UPDATE: I received a call from Della, Dave and Deanna. They went to the place and it was not at all like what they expected. After taking a tour and speaking to the faculty . . . they knew it was NOT the right place for Deanna. So, they are all on their way home. She has two other programs she is going to check out . . .possibly tomorrow! Please continue to pray that they are led to the right place that will make the most impact on Deanna's life!


Kathy in WA said...

Boy, you had your hands full today! More than one in a carseat is always a challenge. :) We'll be praying for Deanna.

Cynthia said...

You certainly had a full day! Praying Deanna gets the treatment she needs.

Kristine said...

Praying for Deanna here.

Ava sure has terrific hair!!

Emily said...

Kathy - it brought back so many memories of when I just had little ones running around the house :-) Thanks for your prayers for Deanna . . .she cherishes each one that is lifted up to the Lord for her.

Cindy - thanks for your prayers - keep praying that she sticks with the program until she is well.

Kristine - thank you SO much!