Monday, January 08, 2007

Things are so quiet!

Sunday felt like things were getting back to normal. This week the house will be even more quiet - the kids head back to school on the 8th. After church we had lunch with Ken and Lisa at the Chinese Buffet Restaurant we go to a lot. I wish I would of had my camera - you all won't believe how much Ava has grown. She is soooooooo cute! I told Lisa she be feeding Ava cream and not breastmilk :-) We then headed home to watch football until it was time to leave for the movies to meet Ken and Lisa. After the movies we always head to Denny's for coffee or hot chocolate. We ended up getting home earlier than normal because their sitter needed them back by 11 pm. It worked out good because I needed to get to bed early so I would be ready for Monday - the kids start back to school. This morning, Monday it was hard to get up at our normal 7am alarm. It had been so nice sleeping in but reality hit this morning. I got the kids up and we got out the door on time. On the way home I stopped at the feed store to get feed for Farley. I then went back home and grabbed Molly and headed to her groomer. I will post pictures after I pick her up. I then headed to the church to finish up some accounting so the tax contributions can be sent out this weekend. I am now here and I just finished. I need to pickup Molly at 3:15 pm so I had a few minutes to blog. Tonight Carlos teaches classes at the Bible school so I plan to take down the tree. I will be so happy when that job is done :-) There was another time this past weekend I wished I would of had my camera. I was driving down the street by our house and in one of my neighbors yards was a cow - yes - a cow. She was just standing there grazing in their front yard. I ran home to get my camera but by the time I got back she must of headed back to the pasture. There must be a hole in the fence some where!

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