Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

This afternoon Sierra and I met Lisa and her kids at the mall for a late lunch and a little shopping. We all had some gift cards to spend so we went searching for some good deals. We also stopped at the play place in the center of the mall so the kids could play awhile too.

Sierra and I headed home around 4:30 pm. I had to stop at my friends farm to go over some "horse" stuff. They happen to own an authentic New York Pizzaria so they ended up having two incredible pizza's for us to snack on . . yum! We then headed home to make sure the house was all picked up. Carlos and Ken are coming in tonight around 9:00 pm. It will be good to have the guys home!


Cynthia said...

YUM YUM YUM! I could go for a piece of pizza about now. I do have to ask how you stay SO SLIM while eating out so much???? (LOL)! I gain just by thinking about eating out... I suppose that's another difference, huh?

Emily said...

It was yummy! I only had once piece but I was very tempted to have another. She sent me home with the second pizza so I guess we will have that tomorrow for lunch.
How do I stay so slim? I have always had to watch my weight. I love to walk so I do that often. The horsebackriding helps too. Also, I do LOVE to eat but I just don't eat a lot . . .that probably makes no sense does it? I also love to workout with the FIRM too. I always say everything in moderation when it comes to food.

Cynthia said...

I wish I lived in an area where I could walk more often! The indoor bike gets quite "old" after awhile even when you have a good book to read while riding.

I eat in small quantities as well, but my body just doesn't like to shed pounds.. it's been an ongoing struggle for years. According to WW I don't eat enough so I'm working on eating more fruits/veggies so my body doesn't think it's starving all the time (LOL).

Emily said...

Eating more is something that I was taught about 4 years ago. I never would of believed it . . .I thought I would gain weight but with working out you body needs the calories . . the key is to eat good nutritious items. I would starve myself for years and just eat one meal a day. I always had trouble keeping the weight off but now by eating more small meals and not starving myself the weight has stayed off for 4 years.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I love the photo of the kids in the play area. They're all darling.

OH your snowmen are cute too.

Emily said...

Thanks De'Etta! I thought of you when I found the "JOY" snowman :-)