Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Monday!

Today was a very busy day for me. I headed to the church around 11 am to do some accounting. Then about 3 pm Lisa arrived and we cleaned the church offices and then headed to the Sanctuary to clean that building. We finished up around 7:00 pm. Carlos had the day off so he stayed home with the kids. He ended up taking down 75% of the outdoor Christmas lights. He has the second floor lights left . . and then we can finish putting the rest of the Rubbermaid containers away. After cleaning we were starving so we headed to our friends Pizza Place and split a calzone . . .he also makes the most incredible garlic knots I have ever tasted . . yum! When I got home Taylor was just getting home from basketball practice so I made him a quick dinner and than sat down to watch an hours or so of the Golden Globe Awards. I love to see what all the ladies are wearing. I finished one load of laundry and now I am heading to bed. Tomorrow I am spending the day with my niece Selena - I can't wait . . she is a sweety. I didn't have time to take any pictures today so I ran across this picture on my computer. This is Jordan with his two friends Rodney and Moises - with Taylor in the background. I guess this is their "cool" look Wakka Wakka Moises is a few years older than Jordan. He is getting married in March to our good friend Melony. It's hard to believe the big day is getting so close.

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