Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Missing Wallet and Homemade Vegetable Soup

Today we received a phone call from the movie theater that we went to on Sunday night. They brought the great news that they found Carlos' wallet. . .nothing was taken . . . nothing was missing. Thank you so much for your prayers!I finally got around to making a big pot of vegetable soup for dinner. Carlos is on a fast where he is only eating veggies, soup and liquids. Plus with this cold front that has come through our state a big bowl of soup hit the spot. Homemade Vegetable Soup
In a large stock pot over medium heat put 1 T of olive oil.
Add 4 cloves of crushed or chopped garlic.
Then add 1 large chopped onion and saute until transluscent.
Chop up 1 large turnip or 2 medium turnips, 3 chopped carrots, 3 stalks celery chopped, chopped potatoes (really you can add whatever kind of vegetables that you would like.
Saute for a few minutes . . and then add 6-8 cups of chicken stock 1 to tsp thyme and salt and pepper to taste.
Then add 28 ounces of diced tomato's - cook until vegetables are soft. Then add frozen corn, peas, greenbeans or any other frozen vegetable. Simmer until everything is heated through. Serves 10- 12
Sierra was all ready for bed tonight but waiting for prayers from "Daddy". She settled down on his lap while he finished his phone call and she finished her DS game. Ahhhhh - the age of electronics of the American family :-) What would we do without our cell phones and what would the kids do without their video games :-)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Glad to hear of the return of the wallet. Soup looks yummy.

Emily said...

PTL - the wallet is home . . . it would of been a huge pain to cancel everything and start again . . God is good!

Kristine said...

Emily, what a blessing to have recovered the wallet, and a nice extra to even have ALL the contents returned. :)

Emily said...

Amen Christine!!!!

Cynthia said...

The age of electronics for sure! Our oldest didn't even know how to use a typewriter when she started her job and today our ds (9 yo) had a hard time figuring out how to open a cassette case (LOL).

The soup looks YUMMY! I need to make a pot of soup for tomorrow... it's SO COLD HERE!

Emily said...

Cindy - I don't even think my kids know what a typewriter is LOL!!!!!