Tuesday, January 30, 2007


This morning we had the coldest temps in four years. I am not sure what the low temp was but I know when we wokeup this morning it was very frosty. It takes a lot for me to throw on the heat but I just couldn't shake off the cold so the heat and the fireplace kept us warm and toasty. I decided to make the kids a warm breakfast before heading out to school so I made bacon, eggs and cinnamon toast. Normally I pack their lunches but I let them eat a hot lunch today at school. I knew they would probably like that better than the lunch I would pack today. I headed up to the church to meet Lisa to clean. We got started extra early today because Selena was coming over around 1:30 so I needed to be back a little earlier than normal . We ended up finishing the cleaning around 12 so we headed to Perkins . . .they have the best chicken noodle soup that hit the spot. Selena arrived around 1:40 pm . . .she will be heading home around 4:45 this afternoon. I ended up stopping by Lisa's house to see what they did today . . .the electrician was there hanging up their fans. Lisa . . . I knew you would want to see these so I snapped pictures of the ones he has up and the one he is working on now. The plumber is there too working on the bathroom and kitchen plumbing connections. This is Kaitlyn's fan!
Ava's fan
Christian's fan - I want to get this one for Taylor and Landon. My sister Steph has this fan for Travis' room. He is currently working on the family room fan now.
It looked like he was going to move to the office fan next. Everything looks GREAT!

Hey! I went back over after Selena went home and hey have the following finished . . .Ken's office fan
Family room fanDining room

Eat in KitchenMaster bedroom fanglass cabinet and shelves in kitchenYour shower fixturesAll bathrooms have their shower fixtures


Anonymous said...

thanks so much em!!! you are the best!! lisa

Emily said...

Ahhhhhhh thanks!!!!

Jodi said...

Wow all those fans are great.

I agree a hot breakfast (and lunch!) is much nicer on a chilly day. I find that in the summer we do a lof of cereals and toaster stuff. In the winter we want cooked breakfasts more often.

Emily said...

This week we have been doing the "hot" breakfasts . . .eggs, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, waffles . . .yum!

Cynthia said...

brrrr.... sounds like you guys are STILL COLD! I hope it warms up before we get there at the end of the month!

Emily said...

Cindy - yesterday and today it will be close to 80 but Saturday we have highs in the 50's and 60's for the next week and lows in the 40's. Time to pull out the sweaters again!