Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Nice Night Out!

Our friends Armando and De'Anna invited us all over for dinner tonight. Jordan and Taylor had tickets to an NBA game so they were not able to make it . We got there around 6:00 and she had everything looking so beautiful and festive. She had wonderful shrimp cocktail for appetizers. For dinner she made us Lasagne and Stuffed Shells, a salad and bread. It was so good. For dessert she made us these wonderful rasberry cookies and chocolate covered pretzels. The have two children Adam and Allison. Here they are along with Landon, Alexia and Sierra.
This is their dog - Tanner
After dinner we played Balderdash. I think Carlos ended up with the most points - we had a great time!
DeAnna surprised me with a great gift - two additions to my snowmen collection. She got these at Hallmark - most of my collection comes from Hallmark each year and I usually get there after Christmas to pick up a few new ones. Well, I have not been shopping since before Christmas so it was an extra special treat to receive these tonight.

Thanks Armando, DeAnna and the kids for a night of food and fun.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Another perfect lazy day, it sounds like to, friends and good food.

Emily said...

Don't you just love those days . . .I do . . I love being at home OR relaxing in someone elses home :-)