Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To pooped to post :-)

I really want to post some interesting stuff here tonight but I am so tired and my body is telling me to go to sleep. Today I spent most of the day getting ready for one of my best friends baby shower (that is Lisa and me in the picture above) that I am hosting here on Saturday. We have approximately 45 ladies coming to my home so I am trying to get things done so I am not rushing around at the last minute. I did all the grocery shopping today, bought the decorations (except for the balloons) , started setting up the dining room and foyer with decorations and tables etc . . . . Plus, this Sunday is Carlos' 20 years in Ministry Celebration. We have people coming in from every where for this event. So, I am busy getting things ready for this to. Can you say, Calgon Take Me Away !!!!!!! :-)
So, all the other good things I was going to share will have to wait. Until tomorrow . Good night!
PS Lisa is 34 weeks pregnant today and this is her 3 rd child. We are anxious for little Ava's arrival in the next 6 weeks. I have had the honor to be at Lisa's first 2 births - the first one being my God daughter Kaitlyn's birth - and the second her son Christian - so now we await for Ava. This will probably be my last birth experience until I am grandma which is years a way :-)


Cynthia said...

Sounds like you have all kinds of fun parties coming up! I LOVE to host parties. Have fun!

Emily said...

Thanks! I love parties too but my question is why does everything always happen on ONE weekend ? LOL
Our weekend is filled - Sierra's Twirler Show/Recital - Friends baby shower at my house - Saturday night my nieces Sweet 16 party and Sunday my dh's celebration -
I guess I just take one event at a time :-)